
The international medical journal Rad CASA Medical Sciences (Croat: Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti: Medicinske znanosti) provides wide coverage of research in all aspects of clinical medicine, public health, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing and translational medicine. The Rad is published biannually since 1951. Our mission is to bring physicians the best research and information at the intersection of biomedical science and clinical practice and to present this information in understandable and clinically useful formats that inform health care delivery and improve patient outcomes. Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts or contact the Editorial Board, if in doubt about any aspect of scope or content of a proposed contribution.

ISSN 1330-5301 (print)
eISSN 1848-641X (online)
UDK: 61
DOI: 10.21857/y6zolb3l1m

Editor-in-chief: Vida Demarin

Editor Emeritus: Marko Pećina
contact: editor@rad-med.com; vida.demarin@gmail.com

Publisher: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art
address: Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 11, HR-10000 Zagreb

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