Mirna Šitum

Assistant Editor


Fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts


Full Professor at the University of Zagreb 





Academic titles:
– fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (06/14/2018 – …)
– full professor 

Head – Department of Dermatology and Venereology, University Hospital
Membership in Academy:
-full member – Department of Medical Sciences (06/14/2018 – …)
-associate member – Department of Medical Sciences (05/10/2012 – 06/14/2018)

CV – Word – 09/06/12


1996               PhD in Biomedicine and health, Dermatology 
                      Medical School, University of Zagreb, Croatia
1996               MA in Dermatology
                      Medical School, University of Zagreb, Croatia
1994               MSc in Dermatology 
                      Medical School, University of Zagreb, Croatia
1987               MSc in Oncology 
                Medical School, University of Zagreb, Croatia                                                                  
1980-1985     MD, Medical School, University of Zagreb, Croatia

1998                specialist perfection course at the Department of Dermatovenerology,
                       University of Graz, Austria
1997                specialist perfection course at the Department of Dermatovenerology,
                       Heinrich-Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany
1996, 1995       specialist perfection course at the Department of Dermatovenerology,
                       University of Graz, Austria

2000-             Head of the Department of Dermatovenereology,         
                     University Hospital Centre „Sestre milosrdnice“, Zagreb, Croatia
1999-             Head of the Department of Dermatovenereology, 
                     School of dental medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia
2003-             Assistant to the Dean for the Clinical Medical Courses,
                     School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia
2004-2011       Head of the Department of Dermatovenereology, 
                      Medical School, University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2004-2005       Deputy Headmaster of UHC „Sestre milosrdnice“, Zagreb, Croatia
1996-2000       Chief of Unit for Pigmentary tumourous changes of the skin and Unit for
                      dermatosurgery, Department of  Dermatovenereology, UHC Zagreb
1993-1996       Resident in Dermatology, Department of Dermatovenereology, 
                      UHC Zagreb, Croatia                              
1991-1993       Colonel in the Croatian Army
1990-1991       Head of the Department of Emergency Medicine, Split, Croatia
1988-1990       Shift coordinator at the Department of Emergency Medicine, Split, Croatia
1986-1988       General practitioner at the Department of Emergency Medicine, Split, Croatia

2008-               President of the Croatian Dermatovenereological Socitey
2002-               Head of the Dermatooncology section in the Croatian Oncology Society
2002-2008        Vicepresident Croatian Socitey of Telemedicine

2005-               Head of the Croatian Referral Centre for Melanoma
2003                Head of the Croatian Referral Centre for Chronic Wounds

2006-                Leading researcher „Psychological status of patients with different
                        dermatoses and malignant tumours of the skin“, scientific project funded
                        by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
2002-2006         Leading researcher „Psychological status and quality of life in patients
                        with acne vulgaris“, scientific project funded by the Croatian Ministry of
                        Science, Education and Sports

2003-                “Molecular-genetic basis of the Gorlin syndrome”, Croatian-French
                         bilateral project
2002-                “EORTC 18961 SIGNATURE LOG”, project of the European Organization 
                         for Research and Treatment of Cancer
2002-                 “Photodynamic therapy” (M. Doko), scientific project funded by the
                         Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
2002-                 “Computerized surgery and telesurgery of the nose and paranazal 
                          sinuses” (I. Klapan), scientific project funded by the Croatian Ministry of
                          Science, Education and Sports
2002-                 “Hereditary and acquired keratinisation disorders in different
                          dermatoses” (A. Basta-Juzbašić)
2002-                 “ SHH/PTCH/SMO signal pathways in tumours and malformations”
                          (S.Levanat), scientific project funded by the Croatian Ministry of Science,
                          Education and Sports
1996-2001          “Genetic research of the Goriln syndrome”, (S. Levanat)
                          scientific project funded by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education
                          and Sports
1999-2000          “Hereditary and acquired keratinisation disorders” (A. Basta-Juzbašić)
                         scientific project funded by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education
                         and Sports
1996-1997         “Immunological aspects of atopic dermatitis” (J. Lipozenčić)
                        scientific project funded by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education
                        and Sports
1995-1997         “Lyme borreliosis in Croatia” (I. Dobrić)
                        scientific project funded by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education
                        and Sports


2011                 4th Congress of Croatian Dermatovenereologists with international
                        participation, Osijek/Vukovar
2008                 2nd Croatian Congress of Psychodermatology with international
                        participation, Zagreb
2004                 1st Croatian Congress of Psychodermatology with international
                        participation, Cavtat 

2010                 Scientific symposium „Paediatric dermatology – selected topics“,  Zagreb
2009                 Scientific symposium with international participation „Ageing and how to
                        postpone it”,Zagreb
2008                 Scientific symposium „Melanoma – what do we know today“, Zagreb
2007                 Scientific symposium with internatioal participation „Trichology“, Zagreb
2006                 Scientific symposium with international participation „Chronic wounds“,
2004                 Scientific symposium „110 years of Croarian dermatovenereology“ Zagreb
2002                 Scientific symposium „Melanoma – new findings and formation of the
                        new treatment plan“, Zagreb

2011                 Postgraduate course at the Medical School, University of Zagreb,
                        “Dermatoses in the orofacial region” 
2011,                Postgraduate course “Dermatoses  important in dental medicine”
2010, 2009        School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb 
2010                 Course “Chronic wounds – diagnostic and therapeutic problem for general
                        practitioners”, UHC “Sestre milosrdnice”, Zagreb
2008                 Course “The significance of dermoscopy in the diagnosis of melanoma”, 
                        UHC “Sestre milosrdnice”, Zagreb


2011                Vicepresident 4th International Congress of Croatian Association for
                       protection of non-Ionizing Radiation „Influence of non Ionizing Radiation
                       on Eyes and Skin“, Rab, Croatia.
2009                Vicepresident 2nd International Congress of Croatian Association for
                       protection of non-Ionizing Radiation „Influence of non Ionizing Radiation
                       on Eyes and Skin“, Opatija, Croatia.
2006                Vicepresident 1st International Congress of Croatian Association for
                       protection of non-Ionizing Radiation „Influence of non Ionizing Radiation
                       on Eyes and Skin“, Opatija, Croatia.
2009                Vicepresident 1st Croatian Congress on Urogenital and Sexually Transmitted
                        Infections with International Participation, Opatija, Croatia
1999                Secretary Scientific Symposium “Dermatological oncology – epidermal 
                         tumours”, Zagreb, Croatia.
1999                Secretary Scientific Symposium “Naevi and malignant melanoma”, Zagreb, 

2011                 Scientific Symposium with international participation “Chronic wounds – 
                        challenge for clinicians”, Primošten, Croatia.  
2011                 3rd Anti-Aging Congress, Bled Slovenia.
2010                 Scientific Symposium with international participation “Diabetic foot”.
                        Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia.
2009                 Scientific symposium with international participation “Hypostatic 
                        ulceration”, Primošten, Croatia.
2010                 7th EADV Spring Symposium
2009                 1st Croatian Congress of Psychooncology and liaisonpsychiatry with 
                         international participation, Pula, Croatia.
2008                 14th Alpe-Danube-Adria Symposium on sexually transmitted diseases
                         and infections of the skin. Zagreb, 2008.
2006                 Antiageing meeting of Slovenian and Croatian associations of
                        dermatovenerologists. Bled, Slovenia, 2006.
2006                 3rd Croatian Congress on Telemedicine with international participation
                        Hvar, Croatia.
2004                 2nd Croatian Congress on Telemedicine with international participation
                        Zagreb, Croatia.
2003                 International Congress “„Topical procedures, innovations, and 
                        mistreatments in dermatovenerology“, Plitvice, Croatia.
2002                 1st Croatian Congress on Telemedicine with international participation,
                        Makarska, Croatia.
2002                 2nd Congress of Croatian Dermatovenereologists, Zagreb, Croatia.
2001                 International Congress “Skin Changes and the Face”, Cavtat, Croatia.
2000                 International Symposium “Paediatric dermatovenerology“, Zagreb,
1998                1st Congress of Croatian Dermatovenereologists, Zagreb, Croatia.

431 articles published; 78 in the Journals cited in Current Contents

28 books published as an author, co-author, editor and author of a chapter

7 master’s thesis
12 doctoral dissertations

European Academy of Dermatoveneorology 
European Society of Dermatology and Psychiatry
International League of Dermatological Societies
AOD-Arbeitsgruppe für Operative Dermatologie
American Diabetes Association Professional Section
European Association for Cancer Research
Honorary member of the Association of dermatovenereologists of Montenegro